Q: How can I place an order?
A: Currently the online shop is under construction, however placing an order can be done easily by contacting us directly by clicking here, or by sending an email to sales@jamesonschultz.studio.
Q: What do I need to place an order?
A: No account is necessary to place an order. A credit card, contact information, billing information, and shipping information is all that is required at time of order.
Q: How can I track the status of an order?
A: The order status page is located within the account page and is currently under construction. If you are interested in learning the status of your order please contact js@jamesonschultz.studio or by clicking here and indicating your order number in the subject line.
Q: What types of payment are accepted?
A: Payment via Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal, or Amazon Pay will be accepted and is executed through a secure third party integrated by Squarespace via Stripe, Square, or PayPal.
Q: When can I expect to be billed or invoiced for the order?
A: The type of payment service will be billed at the time of order for your invoiced amount, which includes the item, taxes, and shipping. No additional charges will be processed following the initial one-time payment from the customer at the time of purchase.
Q: What is the return policy?
A: Jameson Schultz Studio guarantees the customer 100% satisfaction with any Media and/or Product(s) that are purchased through the online store. If for any reason the customer is unsatisfied with any physical Media and/or Product(s) purchased through Jameson Schultz Studio’s online store, Jameson Schultz Studio will accept the return for any reason within thirty (30) days of your receipt of the Media and/or Product(s). Upon successful completion of the return process, and receipt of the returned product, the customer will have the option to either resend the purchased Media and/or Product or issue a full refund of the purchase price paid by the customer less shipping costs, unless the product has been determined to be physically defective.
If for any reason the customer is unsatisfied with digital Media and/or Product(s) (i.e., photo download, software preset, etc.), then at the customer’s request, Jameson Schultz Studio may issue a full refund of the purchased price paid by the customer at the sole discretion of Jameson Schultz Studio based on the circumstances. To request a refund or replacement for any purchased Media and/or product, please contact Customer Service at customerservice@jamesonschultz.studio.
Q: Are there gift cards available for purchase?
A: Jameson Schultz Photography offers custom gift certificates available by request only. Inquire by contacting js@jamesonschultz.studio or by clicking here.
Q: Where can I view the artwork prior to purchasing?
A: The artwork will be available through the online store page that can be found by clicking here. Select in person gallery showings may be available depending on time and location and should be inquired by clicking here. Artwork listed in galleries or social media that is not currently in store is available for purchase. If interested in an item seen at these locations please reach out to sales@jamesonschultz.studio or by clicking here.
Q: Will I need to pay sales tax?
A: Jameson Schultz Studio will charge all applicable sales taxes in accordance with location of the purchaser within the United States. International customers are responsible for paying all fees, duties, customs, and taxes associated with international shipping and maybe invoiced separately depending on the location of the item(s) being sent by the purchaser.
Q: How much will shipping cost?
A: Shipping costs shall be free to all purchasers shipping their purchased and invoiced products within the continental united states. Orders shipping item(s) to Alaska, Hawaii, or U.S. territories may incur additional charges. Jameson Schultz Studio reserves the right to invoice the additional Shipping & Handling charges separately for shipping to the aforementioned states and territories, which shall be communicated to the customer and invoiced at the time of shipment.